It seems like once every twelve months or so I find a new reason to do a post about my sincere love for Sir Kensington’s products. Maybe it has something to do with the beginning of Summer, which is when I first discovered them at the Austin Whole Foods during PaleoFX 4 years ago, or maybe it’s because they just keep coming out with AMAZING new products every year and I just can’t contain myself. My guess is, it’s a little of both.
So here I am again with a full blown post about this crazy mayo love affair I have – and more specifically, their new avocado oil mayonnaise, which is….in a word….fabulous.
It’s actually a funny little story. A month or so ago, I was chatting on Facebook with my friend Emily, the amazing lady behind one of my fave blogs, Coconut Contentment. I had just posted something about Sir K’s classic mayo and she was telling me how she loves their mayo too but really wished they had some other oil options because she wasn’t a huge fan of sunflower oil. Within about 30 minutes of that conversation, I got an email from Sir K’s asking if I’d like to try out their new Avocado Oil Mayo. I’m not kidding….it’s like they’re psychic over there or something!!!
Of course, my answer was a resounding YES!!! And of course….it did not disappoint!
I’m serious about that guys – while I was definitely excited about the avocado oil option for my friends like Emily (the sunflower oil doesn’t bother me at all), I did wonder if it was possible for me to love this new option as much as I love their classic mayo. It’s kind of like how when you have one kid and you’re about to have a second one, you wonder if it’s going to be possible to love the second one as much as your first. Well let me tell you, you always feel that way until the moment you have the second one and then you realize that you don’t have to split your love between the two, you just suddenly have the capacity to love twice as much as you did before. Yea…’s kind of like that.
And yes…I do realize we’re just talking about mayo here. 🙂
Anyway, when Summer comes around, one of the best ways to weather the Texas heat is by eating lots of cool, fresh foods; and chicken salad is my absolute favorite way to do that. I’ve probably got two dozen varieties that we rotate and I’m constantly coming up with new ones. So when Sir K’s and I started talking about doing a new recipe featuring the avo mayo, I knew exactly what I wanted to do; Chicken Salad! And since I’ve been kind of obsessed with Indian food again lately, doing a Curried version was at the top of my list. I think you’re going to love this interesting spin – its got all the standard things I love about chicken salad, but with the added burst of flavor that curry brings. It’s just the right amount of spice; lots of amazing flavor without being too dark or heavy. You’re going to love it!
The other big surprise here is that while my creative juices were flowing, I decided to experiment with my standard waffle recipe and try adding the mayo in there too. And oh man….am I ever glad I did! I can’t believe that I’ve never done that before, but I can tell you that these are the best waffles I have EVER made. Not kidding….even my boys were like, “mom…what’s up with these waffles? They’re like, seriously bangin’.”
Right? My waffles bang…whatever that means. Anyway….you definitely need to try out both of these recipes, and especially together – they’re seriously bangin’ y’all. 🙂
Curried Chicken Salad Recipe
Ingredients: (21dsd & Whole30 friendly)
12 oz cooked & chilled shredded chicken breast
1 large Granny Smith apple, cored & diced
Handful of cherry tomatoes, diced
1/2 cup chopped & lightly packed green onion tops
1/2 cup or more, Sir Kensington’s Avocado Oil Mayo*
3 teaspoons Primal Palate Curry Powder
Salt to taste
Cracked pepper to taste
*Add as much mayo as suits your fancy!
1. Combine the first 4 ingredients in a large bowl. Toss gently to evenly mix together.
2. In another small bowl, whisk together the Sir Kensington’s Avocado Oil Mayo and curry powder until well combined.
3. Add the mayo mixture to the salad and gently toss till evenly combined. Season to taste with the salt and pepper.
Serve: Wrap it in lettuce for a delicious Whole30 or 21DSD option (that’s what I do!). Or serve with the waffle Bread recipe below.
Grain Free Waffle Bread Recipe
2 cups (200g) loosely packed almond flour (like THIS)
1 cup arrowroot flour (like THIS)*
2 teaspoons grain free baking powder (like THIS)
1/4 teaspoon salt
5 Large eggs
1/2 cup Sir Kensington’s Avocado Oil Mayonnaise
2-4 tablespoons milk of choice (This will vary depending on how you measure flour)
1 tablespoon honey *
*Honey can be omitted. It is there to give the waffles a smooth taste and to help them get golden when cooked. If omitted the waffles will be much lighter in color.
Method: Preheat your waffle maker (I use THIS one)
1. In a large bowl, whisk together the flours, baking powder and salt until well blended.
2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, mayonnaise and honey until just combined.
3. Add the egg mixture to the flour mixture and whisk well to form a thick, smooth batter. Then stir in enough milk to make the batter just pourable. Not to thin though or they will come out dry. The milk amount will vary if you are measuring by volume (cups) instead of weight, due to varying amounts of flour.
4. Cook according to your waffle makers instructions. I use 1 cup of batter per waffle for my Belgium waffle maker. Recipe akes 3 cups of batter.
Storing: Can be stored in an airtight container, in the fridge for a few days. But they are best eaten day of. Freezing is also a great option!
Your lovesong to Sir Kensington’s mayo in a previous post intrigued me so I bought a jar of the classic. Hell-lo mayo! That’s how it’s *supposed* to taste! amazing. I’ll try the avocado oil next. If you’re feeling adventurous, my favorite curry (next to home-made) is here: THANKS FOR REInvigoratING CHICKEN SALAD.
I am so there with you! That was my response when I had my first taste. Like, “Now THIS is mayo!” And I never mad my own again, haha!The classic and the new one are really quite similar in taste. I was very pleased.
And…that curry powder looks delicious!
This is so creative!!! I love waffles and I can only imagine how great it tastes with chicken salad in between them!
Thankyou! Hope you enjoy!
Um, wow. My mouth is crying tears of happinesS. AKA I’m drooling. Love that you put it on a waffle sammie as well- such a great idea!
I love making chicken salad! Oh, and theSe shrimp stuffed sweEt potatoes that also use mayo! Delish!!
Basil mayo to Slather On everything (ESPECIALLY sandwiches)
This looks delicous. I love to use mayo to make buffalo chicken dip! Paleo version of course.
I love love making tuna salad with mayo! So delicioUs!
Favortie thing to make with mayo? Paleo Chocolate mayo cake! Super yum yum!!
My fav to make with mayo is gralic aioli and homemade ranch!!
Yea, me too!!
My favorite thing currenrly to make witb mayo is a tomato and mayo sandwich! The best!
Im excited to try this mayo. Im not a huge fan of most paleo mayO. AnD I’ve missed having tuna/Egg salaD. And can i say those WAFFLES look amazing. I love paleo waffleS!! You are awesome.
There is nothing quite like Sir Kensingtons’. I didn’t even like mayo before I found them….and I’ve heard other people say the same. Pretty sure you’ll love it.
This is Getting made pronto! My favorite thing to make with mayo is chicken or tuna salad. Heavy mayo.
Yassss on the heavy mayo! Sometimes I’m ashamed at how much I add…then I remember that I’m keto right now. So all is good, haha!
My favorite thing to make with mayo is Homemade ranch drEssing. :0)
Tgere are many many more!
My fave thing to make with mayo would probably be chicken salad!
I love having mayo on my burger, but haven’t had it in f O R e v e r BeCAUSE I didn’t know of a trustworthy brand! Can’t wait to try this one!
Gahhhh it’s sooo good!
So looking forward to a new mayo to try! I use mayo in my AIOLI dip for Brussel sprouts.
I love naking chicken salad and i use it to make my own ranch dressing.
My fave thing is probably tuna/chicken salad but I also love mayo for salad dressings!
This recipe looks amazing!!!! IT’s onmy list to Cook.. and waffles?! Now thats a smart combo! Thank you so much for shaRing, love your recipes 🙂
Yummmm mayo! Now im craving my fave, an avocado blt on a croissant!
Dang-it…and now I’m craving a croissant!
I love making dipping sauces For my tostones (double fried plantaibs) with Mayo.
I had never been a fan of mayo until I tried this brand. Mixing it with PESTO makes a brilliant sauce for dipping sweet potato fries, slathered on a chicken burger or in a fried prosciutto sandwich.
Guessing the avocado mayo is even tastier!
Wow, that sounds amazing! I’m with you. I never really liked mayo…until SK! Changed everything!Gah…I sound like a crazy stalker.
I love to make tuna salad with avOcado oil mayo!!
looking forward to trying your curry chicken saLad recipe looks and sounds amazing along with the waffles of course. i’ve been hoping for A sir kensington avocado oil mayo, this totally made my day! Th there is nothing better then a sumple tuna salad with some delicious mayo.
Yummm. mY favorite thing to. make with mayonnaise is egg salad. I loveeee it with lots of mustard and pepper.
Mayo really shines in a simple egg salad!
I Have been wanting To try sir Kensingtons. My favorite thing to use mayonnaise is chicken salad.
LooKs sooo yummy! I love mayo! I love making My aSian-esque tuna salad, egg salad with lots of bacon and lazy aioli to dip sTuff in!
My favorite thing to make with mayo is a mushroom swiss burger! Totally not paleo, but soooo yummy.
Nothing makes a BLT better than some Tangy mayo, crispy bacon, and Fresh tomatoes! Perfect and simple!
Cannot wait to try their mayo! I usually make my own but its so much more convenient whEn you can find a good, clean jar already made for impromptu baby potato salad which is my absolute favorite way to use mayo! Small boiled babY potatoes pop in Your mouth and have a delicious cramy inside with a nice tangy Outside (i miX mayo and mustard in mine) and make an incredible alternative to regular poTato salad for that reason alone!! Great summer dish to whip uP on the fly!
My favorite way is cHicKen salad and egg salad. So im so excited to give tHis recipe a try!!
I for real need those waffles in my life. I can’t wait for our move to be over!! Gosh. I mayo all the things. I love it on certain breakfast hashes, i love mayo in tuna salad, chicken salad, egg salad. Maybe my favorite is to make fancy mayo and make deviled eggs, mmm!!!
this looks FANTASTIC! Definitely going to try soon! And I LOVE this mayo on pretty much anything.. like, eat it with a spoon, love. But my favorite is with a blt ??
My favorite mayo recipe is “tuna” salad (but with sardines instead of tuna) wrapped in crispy fresh butterhead letTuce! Yum …
Our family lovEs makiNg deviled eggs with this mayo!
I hated mayo unTil i found sir kensingtons! i love mixing the mayo with a spicy red pepper pesto and making potato salad! so good! i cant wait to try this chicken salad recipe!
I try to tell people how many mayo haters were converted after eating SK’s! It’s crazy. I want to get a jar for everyone just so I can prove it, haha!
I have a big ❤ love for their Chipotle MAYO. I grew up HATING mayo, then Sir Ks came out and I gave it a try. I put that stuff on all the things! So yummy and so excited for the Avo oil option!
My favorite thing to put Sir ks on is canned wild salmon with artichoke hearts and dried blueberries. Yum!
Same here! Maybe they put an addictive substance in it… ?
Definitely ouT of the box! I can see Derivatives of this in my fUture!
i’ve never been a fan of mayo, but i started making my own to make ranch dressing that would be whole30 compliant. Now, i can’t get enough!
Dang, do these look good! I love chicken salad, but I don’t make it nearly enough. I’m a huge egg salad/tuna salad/chicken salad fan – cold protein mixed with mayo and other fancy stuff? We’re golden.
My favorite thing to make woth mayo is homemade salad dressing! I am also a huge curry fan and cannot wait to make this chicken salad later on this week!
Garlic aIoli or chicken salad. 🙂
I’m so making this chicken salAd! Hi jenni? I entered your sir kensingtons giveaway and my fave thing to make with mayo is cucumber and tomato salad because i Don’t like cucumbers too much ( i know , weird right ?! Lol ) anD this way i can eat the whole Salad on my own ?( although i shouldnt do that ? Lol )
I’m not sure if I can pin down a favorite recipe using this mayo because we kind of find excuses to eat it when it’s in the fridge. Egg sandwiches with mayo! Carrot sticks dipped in mayo! Your fried lumpia dipped in mayo! (Which, by the way, is one of my hubby’s favorite foods – in the many iterations I’ve made. I make his day whenever those show up on his plate.) The verdict: “I just want to keep eating it.”
My favorite thIng to make with mayo is chicken salad… And egg salad… And fry sauce… And lettuce wraps… And burgers. Pretty much everything i can put mayo on without toO much judgement, i do!!!
Wow this dose looks so good! I love the clasics like fish(tuna or pink salmon) salid. And i love To make salid dressing with it. Mmmm!
I love a classic BLT with thiCk crispy bacon, fresh produce and lots of mayo!
I am all about the tuna salad myselF when it comes to mayo, though you’ll never see me turn down a good chicken, egg or potato salad… Or Cole slaw! Ok, i just like mayo based salads. I LOVE Sir Kensington’s (it tastes like Miracle Whip!) and I can’t wait to try this one!
Uh, sorry about the weird caps… Not sure what happened there and i can’t edit it.
This looks wonderful and I can’t wait to try it! The Mayo looks like a must-try, too! thanks!
My son has allergy to potato! Arriwroot and tapioca. Is there something i can substitute the arroWroot for? I also have Your paTisserie cookbook and would love to use more of the recipes by substituting something for the arrowroot.
Love your site and have loved everything i have made so far.
Thank you,
For the waffles you can just use almond flour. Waffles are simple, you can simply add more coconut milk if the batter is too thick. It will make a denser waffle. As to my book, there are lots of recipes that do not use arrowroot, but unfortunately the ones that do, need it for texture, unless it is under 2 tablespoons, then it can do without.