All right, let’s just get this out there from the get-go – men can be really hard to shop for. I know this…because I am one and have been told this for my entire life. Unless your man happens to have a particular hobby and is able to get paid for surveys or something of […]
Soil health in the agricultural sector
In recent years, the agricultural sector has seen a significant shift towards sustainable farming practices, with a particular focus on soil health. this movement is not just about environmental stewardship; it’s also proving to be a financially savvy strategy for farmers. the correlation between healthy soil and increased farm profitability is becoming increasingly clear, as […]
5 tips To Loving Your Abs
Have you ever seen those trucks that have wheels the size of a good economy car and are so far up off the ground that you could reasonably shelter there in the event of inclement weather? And have you ever seen someone try to park one of them? It’s not easy, I’ll tell you that. […]
Blackberry Skillet Jam Recipe & Review of “Gather” by Primal Palate
For whatever reason, I don’t typically purchase cookbooks. It’s not that they aren’t useful, or that I don’t ever need new ideas, it’s just that I get so busy with life and kids and blogging that I sometimes forget to stop and look around. But there are a few instances where even in all the […]
Sweet Potato Casserole with Homemade Marshmallows
Sweet Potato Casserole with Homemade Marshmallows Ingredients: 1 batch of Paleo Homemade Marshmallows, cut into small 1 inch squares* 5 medium sweet potatoes (or more…if you want more) 1/4 cup of ghee, coconut oil or grass-fed butter 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg Sea salt and coarse pepper to taste Method: *Make the marshmallows at least one […]