Pepper Crusted Skirt Steak Breakfast Tacos Note on the Breakfast Tacos: Prepare the tortillas before cooking the meat and rest of the ingredietns for the breakfast tacos. The tortilla recipe can be found HERE. Makes 4-8 burritos depending on the size of tortillas you make. (1 small tortilla is allowed in the 21 Day Sugar Detox) Ingredients: For the Skirt […]
Grain Free “Samoa” Donuts
I know, I know….I’ve teased you with pics of this recipe for long enough! These “Samoa” inspired donuts were so delicious and such a joy to make. I mean really, how can you go wrong with all the key elements of a classic Girl Scout cookie… donut form? I am super thrilled to be sharing […]
Blackberry Skillet Jam Recipe & Review of “Gather” by Primal Palate
For whatever reason, I don’t typically purchase cookbooks. It’s not that they aren’t useful, or that I don’t ever need new ideas, it’s just that I get so busy with life and kids and blogging that I sometimes forget to stop and look around. But there are a few instances where even in all the […]
Paleo Cauliflower Mashtinis
Truth be told, I am and have always been a sucker for wedding/party food. I remember the first “Mash-tini” bar that I encountered. It was at a wedding (of course) and there was a tall, quiet man dressed in black pants and a crisp white dress shirt serving up elegant, long stemmed martini glasses filled […]
Nut Free Chocolate Cupcakes
Nut Free Chocolate Cupcakes Ingredients: Dry ingredients: 1/2 cup coconut flour or 2 oz by weight (use dip and sweep method*) 6 tablespoons cocoa powder 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp baking soda 1/2 cup liquified coconut oil or palm shortening 1/2 cup honey 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar or coconut vinegar […]